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C'atelier RagaMuffins
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Catelier Rags Giselle of Jazzy Rags #28

Catelier Rags Picasso of Jazzy Rags #29
Catelier Rags Giselle and Catelier Rags Picasso of Jazzy Rags are now owned and shown by Wanda and David Grass of Jazzy Rags. They are doing excellent on the show circuit with multiple ribbons in just two shows. We are so appreciative to Wanda and David for helping to take the kittens to the next level. Watch for more photos from Birmingham, AL in late January 2019.

Catelier Rags Picasso of Jazzy Rags
Catelier Rags Picasso of Jazzy Rags

Catelier Rags Giselle of Jazzy Rags
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